International awareness about Rachvelian winery starts from a period when historical methods of making of Rachvelian wine reached perfection in the 19th century thanks to Rachvelian princes Dimitri and Luarsab Kipianis. Semi-sweet wine made from the grapes harvested in Kipiani’s vineyard was presented in Belgian city Ostend in 1907 where a wine made in the mountainous region of Georgia was awarded with grand-prix in the center of Europe and gained an international recognition.
Famous Kipiani wine was made by a combination of unique species of Aleksandrouli and Mujuretuli grapes, which is known as Khvanchkara today. Main challenge of Royal Khvanchkara was using knowledge and experience that has been accumulated during the years and restoration of the richest winery culture of Racha region.
The company Royal Khvanchkara continues winery tradition with its long history and innovative image and offers interesting flavors of wines that are created through special technologies. Vineyards that are arranged on specially selected plots of land, taken care, sophisticated technologies and professionalism are a secret of tender and velvet wine.
The factory built in the 50s of the 19th century, which underwent several reconstructions, once took responsibility for continuation of the historic and cultural heritage of Kipiani wine. Perfect basis and modern equipment, own vineyards that are well cared for and arranged on 25 ha of the best plots have become a base for construction of a new factory. Unique wines of Royal Khvanchkara are produced from grapes of these vineyards: Khvanchkara, Tvishi, Aleksandrouli, Aleksandrouli, Dzelshavi and Rachuli Tetra[a]. Royal Khvanchkara vineyards are built in four villages of Racha region: Sadmelis Chala, Koveli, Tola and Chkvishi.
New stage of the company starts from 2015 and the company has gone a long way of development since then. Existing soviet winemaking equipments have been replaced with modern high-quality machines during this period. Wrecked and non-functional buildings from the soviet period were dismantled. Processing of modern technological schemes of taking care of vineyards have been developed. As for the Royal Khvanchkara team, local personnel have been retrained in order to improve the qualification and young professionals have joined the team.